'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' (Jesus)
Matthew 25:40
"At GodWhy, from November through March, we open our doors to provide the homeless with a warm, safe haven. This initiative not only offers those in need a place of comfort but also gives our members a powerful opportunity to come together, show compassion, and work as a unified team to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the less fortunate."
Let me know if you'd like to make any changes!
(the email form is at the bottom of this page)
"When someone experiences hospitality and safety and a feeling of belonging, they experience sanctuary."
Charles Strobel, founding director
"Home is more than a place. It is a sense of belonging. We want everyone at Room In The Inn to experience belonging and to be accepted as they are at any given moment. We each need someone to pull for us, pray for us, believe in us, stay by us. We need each other. We are called to live in community."
Rachel Hester, Executive Director
Let me know if you'd like to make any changes!
(the email form is at the bottom of this page)
"When someone experiences hospitality and safety and a feeling of belonging, they experience sanctuary."
Charles Strobel, founding director
"Home is more than a place. It is a sense of belonging. We want everyone at Room In The Inn to experience belonging and to be accepted as they are at any given moment. We each need someone to pull for us, pray for us, believe in us, stay by us. We need each other. We are called to live in community."
Rachel Hester, Executive Director

Through the power of spirituality and the practice of love, we provide hospitality with a respect that offers hope in a community of non-violence.