LGBTQ Information
GodWhy church fully affirms and welcomes all members of the LGBTQ+ community.
We celebrate and include anyone who identifies within the LGBTQ+ to participate in marriage ceremonies, ministry, and or other events.
Ministry requirements are not based off race, class, or sexual orientation but character, qualifications, and calling.
We pray and are working toward the day when we no longer have to specify such things for faith communities.
We celebrate and include anyone who identifies within the LGBTQ+ to participate in marriage ceremonies, ministry, and or other events.
Ministry requirements are not based off race, class, or sexual orientation but character, qualifications, and calling.
We pray and are working toward the day when we no longer have to specify such things for faith communities.
Click Here to find other affirming churches
We are currently working on our resource pages they should be coming soon.
We are currently working on our resource pages they should be coming soon.