John McLendon
Lead Pastor
I have been in full time ministry for 40+ years. I graduated from Trevecca college with a degree in biblical studies and received my masters degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Vastly more important than that, I love people and want you to have an opportunity to ask questions and get answers to who God is, how He is working in the world and know that He truly does love you. I am a communicator not a preacher. I will combine life situations and Biblical truth with humor, animation, and sincerity. Religion made me cranky, prideful and judgmental but I am getting over that. I found real faith expresses itself in openness, honesty and love. I assure you I do not have it all together but after years of relationship with Christ I have some good news and I would love to have an opportunity to share it with you. ‘Til we meet in person.

Adam Harris
Associate Pastor
I’ve been in full time ministry going on ten years now. I love walking with and serving people along life’s journey. I’m passionate about learning and growing in all facets of life: mind, body, and spirit. I received my undergraduate degree from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is more on the conservative, charismatic side of things. This is where I met my amazing wife. I later received my graduate degree from Vanderbilt University, which is more on the liberal and extremely diverse side of things. My curiosity and search for truth has taken me on a spiritual, emotional, and intellectual roller coaster over the years. Through it all, I believe people are transformed through experiences with God, which can look different for everyone. I’m also convinced that it’s important to love and learn from people both inside and outside our political, cultural, and religious boxes. My heart is to continually grow in the love of Christ and fulfill my calling to help others do so as well. I have been married for over ten years and we are raising two incredible boys who keep us on our toes! Glad to be serving here at Godwhy!

Beth Stewart
I was raised in a large Catholic family with tradition and education at the center of all my beliefs. Most questions had a clear definitive answer. But as I became an adult, and experienced more of what the world had to offer, I realized that religion and faith were not as black and white as I had been taught. My husband and I spent years away from the church, but I felt God calling me back after the birth of our daughter. We found GodWhy Church in 2014. It was completely different than the traditional experiences that our family had been exposed to, and we loved it. Through the years, my relationship with God has flourished. I graduated from Union University in 2021 with a degree in Organizational Leadership and an emphasis in Church Leadership. My journey continues at the Vanderbilt Divinity School as I pursue a graduate degree in Theological Studies. My hope is that I can impact the lives of the people that walk through our doors the same way that others have done for me. Faith is unique for every individual, and it is an honor to witness how others experience God.

Cameron and Paige Clark
Cameron and Paige Clark grew up in Hendersonville and have been together since 2006. They graduated from Martin Methodist College in May 2010, and then got married at GodWhy in October 2010. They have both been involved in the church for over a decade. Cameron works for the federal government and Paige stays at home with their 3 boys, Charlie, Ender, and Cooper. Cameron co-leads worship on Sunday mornings, and for the youth on Wednesday nights. They both look forward to connecting with the middle and high schoolers while helping them grow in their faith.

Lesley Woodard
Despite growing up in church and going to a private Christian school, I never truly felt a relationship with God. After my husband and I stumbled upon Godwhy in 2014, I felt like my eyes were finally opened. I was able to have questions and be free of judgement. This has allowed me to continuously grow in my faith and feel God working in my life. Having four children of my own, I recognize how important it is for children to know that God created them with purpose and to see that He loves them so much. My heart is to guide children in their journey to find God and everything He wants to do in their lives. Also, for them to know that they are safe to ask questions and are loved exactly as they are. Children are a blessing from God and I believe they teach us, just as much as we teach them. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to encourage these children and be a part of their lives here at Godwhy!

Dana Rish
I first attended GodWhy as a person seeking wisdom and guidance both in my faith and for my family. Having received such incredible support and encouragement from this amazing group of people, I eventually started serving alongside the people who’d been so instrumental in my life. Now I have the unique privilege of leading ministries and teams to touch the lives of new people who are making GodWhy church their home. Each day I look forward to the amazing people that God will allow me to connect with and encourage through the family of GodWhy

Kathy Allred
My husband Gary and I have been going to GodWhy Church from the first service. When I saw the billboard that asked, “What’s Your Question”, I knew this was an open space and not afraid of challenges. They gave me a safe place to rest and really contemplate renewing my relationship with God. I am very happy to say that I did that and have grown closer in my understanding and daily walk with Jesus. I have been an office manager/bookkeeper for over 40 years and have loved sharing that knowledge by working as the church bookkeeper for 19 years. I have also served as a Trustee of the Church and have loved seeing people grow and our Church expand its knowledge and understanding of being a true space to love God’s People.